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Figuring out What is Wrong

“I don’t know what is wrong with me.”

We hear a lot of clients say“I don’t know what is wrong with me”. A lot of times, our environments or situations we are consistently in can cause disconnections within us.

For example, everyday we go to work and it’s fast paced and busy. We skip lunch sometimes or stay after hours because there are so many things to get done. When we do these things, we are ignoring our natural bodily cues and needs. Sometimes when we do have time to relax, we feel like we cannot because we are so used to being busy. Or we might sleep for an excess amount of hours because exhaustion has caught up to us. Our hunger cues and eating habits might get thrown off as well from eating quickly as we work or subbing food for coffee etc. There is a natural numbing that occurs through work, school, technology, relationships etc. So many factors affect our sensations and feelings.

Learning to Listen

The physical, mental and emotional communication within us becomes disconnected as we become used to familiar external factors that throw off our natural state. This is often when we feel confused and like something is wrong with us. We feel off but we can’t really pinpoint the issue because our sensations have become unbalanced and used to this new normal.

Rather than focusing on what you think may be wrong, focus on how your body feels when you do certain practices. Practices like meditation or yoga help reconnect the mind and body relationship through building habits of mindfulness and presences. Using tools like meditation can help bring us back to a more balanced state in this busy life. 

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