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Do acupuncture needles hurt?

For many people, needles are often associated with negative experiences. Needles may remind you of those dreaded trips to the doctor for vaccinations or blood tests, or maybe even a regrettable trip to the tattoo parlor. But needles don’t have to be associated with pain and anxiety. A sewing needle can be used to mend a hole in your favorite sweater. And an acupuncture needle can help to heal your body and mind.  

Acupuncture Needles Heal Rather Than Hurt

Don’t let the fear of needles stop you from trying acupuncture. Acupuncture needles are very different from the ones used in your doctor’s office. They are about 10x smaller than a hypodermic needle and rather than being hollow, acupuncture needles are solid. To put this into perspective even more, an acupuncture needle is about only 2x larger than a hair on your head. Usually, acupuncture needles don’t hurt, but sometimes you may feel a slight pinch. Some points are more reactive and sensitive than others, so some sensitivity is normal. Sensation during treatment is a great sign. It means that the point is being activated leading to the release of stuck energy. Communication is key! If you are feeling discomfort during your treatment, it may mean that the needle position is off. Always let your doctor know so they can reposition the needle and ensure you receive the treatment you need. Acupuncture has the power to relieve pain and promote deep relaxation. If you listen closely while sitting in our office lobby, you may hear snoring! Some patients find their treatment so relaxing that they fall asleep during their appointment.  

Oftentimes, things that seem bad at first are actually good. A rainy day may be disappointing, but if you look at the bigger picture, the right amount of rain can lead to so much growth. Let the power of positive thinking allow you to try acupuncture! Look beyond the intimidation of needles and start your journey towards healing today.

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